079 | 👨‍🎤 💭 8 Muse Prompts

Brainyacts #79

In today’s Brainyacts we:

  1. point you to free Google courses on generative AI

  2. show you how to access the Muse/Creator ChatGPT mode

  3. read how Redditors glitch ChatGPT’s brain

  4. download the City of Boston’s GenAI guidelines

  5. learn that Google is helping create an AI Pact with the EU

  6. get Microsoft’s ideas on how to regulate AI

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📚🚌 Google Offers Free Video Courses on Generative AI

Google has an entire suite of free course in the AI and machine learning domain. They get fairly technical but are still a rich resource for anyone who want to learn more about the technology and how it works.

*NEW* training materials, specific to generative AI technologies
Generative AI Learning Path - no cost training s

You get badges for each course you complete.

For those that want to go deep, scroll to the bottom of this linked page.

💭 👩‍🎨The Muse/Creator Persona

The Power of Personas: As you continue on your journey with ChatGPT-like tools, it's important to recognize the influence of personas in shaping your experience. While advanced users can provide detailed characteristics and assign roles to ChatGPT explicitly, it is equally important for beginners and intermediate users, such as legal professionals, to maintain a clear understanding of the persona they want to engage with.

By adhering to a specific persona and staying mindful of it, you train yourself on how to effectively interact with AI. This approach empowers you to optimize the AI's responses and overcome the challenge of receiving generic or non-specific outputs.

On Monday, I worked through the Intern/Assistant persona, today we tackle the Coach/Mentor persona.

Yesterday, I explained and broke down the Coach/Mentor persona.

Today I introduce you to the Muse/Creator persona.

The Muse/Creator Persona: Unlocking Creativity and Innovation with ChatGPT

The Muse/Creator persona is a perfect starting point for those desiring to unlock creative and novel use cases of the AI model.

The Muse/Creator persona represents the embodiment of imagination, insight, and invention. Think of the AI as your creative confidant, ready to provide fresh perspectives, aid in problem-solving, or generate content at your command. This persona is instrumental for users looking to overcome the daunting 'blank page problem', in need of fresh thinking, or for those engaged in content creation.

Before delving into examples, it's crucial to understand the right mindset for engaging with the Muse/Creator persona.

Visualize the AI not just as a tool, but as a collaborative partner in your creative journey. It's essential to remain open to surprising suggestions and to be willing to explore uncharted territories together. In the Muse/Creator role, the AI functions best when prompted with clarity, yet room for imagination.

However, it's crucial to remember that ChatGPT's counsel is based on patterns in the data it was trained on, rather than personal experience or emotion. Also, remember you can interact with tools like ChatGPT more safely by anonymizing the information.

🚨 Also the example prompts I share below are not the exact prompts I would use – that would take too much space here. So, look at these as seed prompts – craft them and add the details that will make them more useful to you.

With this in mind, let's explore the key tasks and attributes of the ChatGPT Muse/Creator persona, tailored to the legal context. 

1-Brainstorming innovative legal services: As the legal field grows increasingly competitive, law firms are looking to differentiate their services. Use the Muse/Creator persona to brainstorm innovative services that your firm could offer to clients.

Example prompt: "Role-play as a legal market expert. I am a lawyer looking to differentiate my law firm by offering innovative services. Help me brainstorm five novel services that we could potentially offer to our clients, highlighting their unique benefits, feasibility, and potential market appeal."

2-Legal blog post ideas: A well-maintained blog can help a law firm demonstrate thought leadership, boost its online presence, and engage potential clients. Use the Muse/Creator persona to generate compelling blog post topics related to law.

Example prompt: "Role-play as a content strategist specializing in the legal field. I need to create a list of 10 engaging blog post topics that will attract our firm's target audience. Each topic should touch on a significant legal trend or issue, and include a brief outline of the potential structure and key points."

3-Creating role-play scenarios for legal negotiation training: Use the Muse/Creator persona to devise complex role-play scenarios that can be used for training in legal negotiation skills.

Example prompt: "Role-play as a law school negotiation professor. I'm preparing for an upcoming negotiation class and I need three detailed role-play scenarios for my students. Each scenario should involve different legal disputes, highlight the interests of each party involved, and provide potential opportunities for resolution."

4-Legal Tech innovation: Technological advancements are disrupting the legal industry. Use the Muse/Creator persona to envision novel legal tech solutions that could simplify and streamline legal processes.

Example prompt: "Role-play as a legal technology innovator. Please generate five ideas for legal tech applications that could simplify our firm's processes, outlining their functionality, potential benefits, and the challenges we might face in implementing them."

5-Drafting Law Proposals: Use the Muse/Creator persona to brainstorm and draft law proposals that could improve existing legal systems or address emerging societal issues.

Example prompt: "Role-play as a legal analyst. I'm working on drafting innovative law proposals to address the challenges related to digital privacy in generative AI and large language models. Please help me outline three possible proposals, including the key components of each law and the potential benefits they would offer."

6-Designing Legal Workshops: A practical workshop can be an effective way to educate clients or other lawyers about legal topics. Use the Muse/Creator persona to come up with engaging workshop ideas.

Example prompt: "Role-play as a workshop designer with legal expertise. I need to plan a series of interactive workshops for our clients to help them better understand the legal implications of starting a new venture. Could you suggest three workshop topics, with a brief agenda and learning objectives for each?"

7-Creating Legal Marketing Campaigns: Marketing campaigns can be instrumental in attracting new clients to a law firm. Use the Muse/Creator persona to devise unique marketing strategies.

Example prompt: "Role-play as a legal marketing expert. We're trying to attract more clients to our environmental law practice. Could you create three innovative marketing campaign ideas that highlight our firm's expertise and values, explaining the key messages and potential marketing channels for each?"

8-Developing Legal Document Templates: Efficient legal practice often involves creating templates for commonly used legal documents. Use the Muse/Creator persona to generate a structure for such templates.

Example prompt: "Role-play as a senior attorney. We're trying to standardize some of our procedures, and I need to develop a template for a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) tailored for startup clients. Could you generate a basic structure for this template, including the main clauses that should be included and brief explanations for each?"

Seeing AI as a creative partner fosters a deeper, more thoughtful engagement, eliminating bland prompts and leading to better responses. So, immerse yourself in this transformative communication and unlock the innovative potential of AI.

News you can Use: 

Redditors Glitch ChatGPT’s Brain and Reminds Us it Doesn’t Think

I love this article as it hits on something I am always trying to warn people about. ChatGPT (and other similar models) can seem like it is thinking and knows what it is saying to us. It is not! It is prediction - really great prediction - that has been trained to interact a certain way.

This article shows how you can glitch ChatGPT. As one Redditor pointed out - you can trip the “frequency penalty” that has been embedded in ChatGPT to never repeat itself and always generate novel replies.

Read the City of Boston’s Guidelines on Using Generative AI

Boston has made Google Bard available to all government employees as of last week. Here is the 10-page Interim Guidelines. Click the button to get them.

Alphabet (Google) Working on AI Pact with EU

Microsoft’s take on how GenAI should be regulated

Not to be outdone by Google or OpenAI, Microsoft has now penned and shared is take on two generative AI should be governed.

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DISCLAIMER: None of this is legal advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not legal advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any legal decisions. Please /be careful and do your own research.8