015 | ChatGPT Use Policy marketing

Brainyacts #15

The Generative AI newsletter for legal pros everywhere.

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This is day 15 of 100 (our goal - 100 consecutive days!) and today we will:

  1. ask about your organization’s Use Policy on ChatGPT

  2. introduce you to a mini-marketing campaign

  3. break down each step of a mini-marketing campaign

  4. use ChatGPT to create an easy-to-follow marketing plan along with content ideas for each step

  5. talk news you can lose

Would love to get your input on this 👇 based on what you are seeing. Just reply to this email - it comes directly to me and only to me.

Ok, let's kick this off, shall we?

Today's Use Case: How to market a webinar on ChatGPT Use Policies

No. I am not putting on a webinar. I am just starting to see so many out there.

This a good thing as the topic of how to write a Use Policy for generative ai keeps growing. I am working on a future newsletter edition now on how to write one using ChatGPT. More on that later.

Use cases for ChatGPT Use Policy webinars:
1. law firms using for client development and branding
2. business of law teams educating lawyers and other business of law teams
3. in-house counsel informing their business customers
4. legal ops teams informing their in-house counsel and business customers
5. HR leaders informing their peers and co-workers
6. Also for my in-house and legal ops readers
7. law firm leaders informing all firm employees, partners, and vendors

If you announce it will they come?

Many people create a webinar and send out an announcement in one email or SPAM everyone with logistical info or otherwise unhelpful info. Know what happens to these emails? Delete.

So today I thought we could use ChatGPT to help you build a mini-marketing campaign to help drive attendance to your webinar.

You can use this for anything you want to drive people to BTW.

Also, for my non-marketing friends reading this, a marketing campaign is simply a series of planned interactions that drive awareness of, consideration of, and hopefully engagement with your service/product/event. These interactions can be simple posters/flyers or personal invitations or giving away valuable resources. They all are intended to be valuable in and of themselves but also drive a crowd to “buy into” what you are trying to sell them or convince them of.

The reality is most of us are too busy to think like this. It takes too much effort just trying to plan the darn webinar.

Well, let’s fix that.

The Mini-Marketing Campaign Prompt Series

This will take a series of prompts to finely tune. Why? Because if we used a prompt like “write me a marketing plan for a webinar” you will get a watered-down and generic response.


First, determine who your ideal participant is for your webinar. In this case, we will say “HR and legal leaders considering if and how to write a ChatGPT Use Policy.” But in other instances, you want to be specific. Don’t just say “law firm clients” or “our in-house team.”


A great marketing campaign speaks directly to your ideal participant’s pain points. You may know some of them but lets use ChatGPT.


What are some key pain points and what are some unconventional pain points for an HR or legal leader in considering if and how to write a Chat GPT Use Policy?

Here is a link to the reply I got back.

PRO TIP: Notice how I added the “some unconventional” language? This is a way to get ChatGPT beyond the mundane and typical. You want to tap into its inner sanctums of rich information.


Next, you want to make sure your webinar has some clear features and benefits for your ideal customers. People have a hard time generating these. So . . .


For HR or legal leaders considering if and how to write a Chat GPT Use Policy, List out creative and informative features as well as creative and helpful benefits of a webinar focusing on creating a ChatGPT Use Policy.

Okay, not bad. You likely have some great options here.

Here is a link to the reply I got back.

But we are not done. We have to create a crisp picture in our ideal participant’s head of how attending the webinar will improve their situations.



Provide interesting and sophisticated ideas on how attending a webinar focusing on creating a ChatGPT Use Policy will improve the situation of HR and legal leaders considering if and how to write a ChatGPT Use Policy.

PRO TIP: Notice “sophisticated” - use your adjectives.

Here is a link to the reply I got back.

You will get some great insights here. Some you may use to generate ideas for the content of the webinar.

Here are some I got another time:

• Enhance employee experience: ChatGPT can improve the employee experience by providing them with a convenient and accessible way to access information and support. Attending a webinar can help HR and legal leaders develop policies that leverage ChatGPT to enhance the employee experience.

•Create policies that reflect the organization's culture and values: ChatGPT use policies should reflect the culture and values of the organization. Attending a webinar can help HR and legal leaders understand how to create policies that align with the organization's culture, and ensure that employees understand and comply with them.


Ok, now you are going to mix and match and pull things together to create your mini-marketing campaign


TASK: Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Customer Journey Map' framework that visualizes the journey from awareness to engagement

AUDIENCE: HR and Legal leaders considering if and how to write a ChatGPT Use Policy and creates content that aligns with each stage.

GOAL: Drive attendance to our upcoming webinar on writing ChatGPT Use Policies

CONTENT: Address their concern on mitigation of risks and liabilities and present our webinar as a solution to those issues, highlighting the Discussion of potential ethical and legal issues and Access to resources and templates from our webinar and explaining how it can help them Understand the Legal and Ethical Implications of ChatGPT Use.

Here is a link to the reply I got.

This should create an easy-to-follow outline along with specific content ideas for each stage of your mini-marketing campaign.

News you can use: Google’s AI (Bard) is definitely NOT (nope, no way) reading our Gmail accounts to train on.

News you can lose: Ohio is great because . . . .

Is this funny ‘cuz it’s true about Ohio? Or is it funny ‘cuz ChatGpt was showing a sense of humor? Regardless, I laughed as I sat typing this in Cincinnati. 😬🫢

If you have a personal Gmail account, be on the lookout for your invite.

Thank you to my subscribers for helping spread the word!

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That's a wrap for today. Stay thirsty & see ya next time! If you want more, be sure to follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

DISCLAIMER: None of this is legal advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not legal advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any legal decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.