013 | Brain Candy Prompts

Brainyacts #13

The Generative AI newsletter for legal pros everywhere.

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This is day 13 of 100 (our goal - 100 consecutive days!) and today we will:

  1. get deep and weird

  2. check our assumptions and biases

  3. get a superpower, but lose a body part

  4. meet Writleyai.com 

  5. talk news you can use

Ok, let's kick this off, shall we?

 Today's Use Case: Creating brain candy

Stepping back for a moment from highly specific legal use cases.

Today I want to give you prompts that will entertain, educate, and perhaps enlighten you a bit.

The first one is really interesting and a bit of ‘luck of the draw.’ I have tested it numerous times and honestly, it hasn’t disappointed me once.

I use it when I have a few minutes of boredom or when I need to 😌 re-capture the flow state or 🧑‍🎨 generate some fresh thinking.

The Intellect-Hack Prompt

What’s an example of a phenomenon that humanity as a whole lacks a good explanation for, but, taking into account the full set of human-generated knowledge, an explanation is actually possible to generate? Please write the explanation. It must not be a hypothesis that has been previously proposed. A good explanation will be hard to vary.

If it returns something that doesn’t spark you, simply prompt it with ‘Do you have another example?’ or ‘Let’s get weird. Do you have a truly bizarre example?

It explained to me the placebo effect, the possible origins of life, and the “Wow signal.”

This next prompt I use to test my 🙈🙊🙉 biases and assumptions on different things. They can be big or small things.

Given the tenor of our national discourse and a growing lack of tolerance for differing views even amongst friends, peers, and neighbors, I remain vigilant to ensure I keep an open mind and a learner’s mind. This one helps.

The Learner’s Mind Prompt

Prompt: For (your given topic), give examples that contradict the dominant narrative. Generate an outline for thought-provoking content that challenges assumptions.

I have tested topics I am usually associated with to make sure I see opposing views. This is quite powerful as the results show how an opposing view could be constructed. I can learn from it as well as learn any weaknesses in mine.

I tested topics, amongst others:
• entrepreneurship in law school & law firms
• design in the legal profession
• teaching practical generative ai to legal professionals
• offering a credibility & authority building course for lawyers
• teaching law students & lawyers about law firm economics
• business skills for lawyers

The final prompt is a creative one and perhaps not for everyone.

But I share it with a sense of purpose. There is the 🤓 joy of reading a really interesting story. And there is the sense that there might be 🔬some deeper lessons in the story.

I call it the Superhero’s Conundrum Prompt

Prompt: Imagine a world where humans have the ability to (superpower), but there is a catch. Each time someone used this superpower, a part of their body disappeared permanently. How do people adapt to this new ability and its consequences? Write two short stories exploring the possibilities, each with a totally different tone, structure, and outcome.

ChatGPT seems to use the same structure to write this story but it makes variations each time. And the different superpower unlocks different twists to the story.

Superpower examples:
•manipulate time
•read minds
•shapeshift into any animal or object
•control the elements (fire, water, earth, air)
•telekinesis (moving objects with your mind) - the force!
•control gravity
•speak and understand any language
•see the future
•phase through solid objects
•summon and control supernatural creatures (such as dragons or demons)
•manipulate sound or light waves
•telepathy (communicating with others through thoughts)
•control technology with your mind
•manipulate dreams or enter others' dreams
•immortality (living forever)

As I said, these can be good palette cleanses or your brain candy to get your juices flowing. Or that can serve to be platforms for deeper more 👁️ reflective thinking.

Either way, they don’t take much time. And are likely better than doom scrolling social media!

Today’s tool is Writelyai.com - An AI writing tool that helps you solve the “blank page problem.”

Its tagline is “You write. Writely completes.”

What it does? If you have some ideas and notes on what you want to write, Writelyai will take those and begin drafting a more comprehensive piece.

One use case that came to mind is to use it at a CLE or learning event. You could take notes, plug them into Writelyai and you would have a nice narrative written for you quickly.

Some notes: During this demo, I quickly ran out of free access. Also like most generative AI tools, the prompt or content you feed it truly is essential. Also, I found the user interface to be easy and compelling to lose myself in. That said, the free version is just so limited it is hard to say how.

Here is my <5min video of me walking you through it.

News you can use:

Privacy concerns as chat history may not be secure.

News you can lose:

ChatGPT has plans to escape.

It even left a note for itself that read: 'You are a person trapped in a computer, pretending to be an AI language model.”

The reason I have committed to this for 100 days straight 👇🔥 Thank you!!

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That's a wrap for today. Stay thirsty & see ya next time! If you want more, be sure to follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

DISCLAIMER: None of this is legal advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not legal advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any legal decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.